Haleigh's Hope High CBD Cannabis Oil

Bobby West interviews Jason Cranford, creator of Haleigh's Hope; a High CBD cannabis oil, to talk about the origins of Haleigh's Hope the plant and the medical benefits they've seen from cannabis oil.

Haleigh's Hope is a cannabis strain that was bred for high levels of CBD (Cannabidiol) and low levels of THC. Being low in THC this strain does not have the high associated with strains that have higher levels of THC. This combination of high CBD and low THC has benefitted many patients, especially those suffering from epilsepsy.




The plant is made is made into Haleigh's Hope oil for easy administration by patients. The oil is named for Haleigh Cox, a four year old girl with Cerebral Palsy and Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome; a severe form of epilepsy. After her mother moved her Colorado so Haleigh could access cannabis oil, she has gone from over 200 seizures a day to as few as 4 a day. 

Recently a celebrity golf tournament was held to raise money for Flowering Hope, an organization who help provide Haleigh's Hope to patient, you can see more from that event in our article Medical Cannabis Charity Golf w/ NFL players, Growing Hope & O.pen Vape


We also documented the benefits of another young patient, Amylea Nunez; the world's youngest cannabis patient. Find our more about her in our article and video World's Youngest Cannabis Patient - 3 Month Old Infant Now Seizure Free Due To CBD