Indian Cream
BushDoc Ranking
Indian CreamReview by bushdoc -
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shop profile Utrechtsestraat 21Amsterdam
Aug 5, 2002
Northern India from the looks and taste of it; possibly Jammu/Kashmir region?
This stuff looks rich and fairly pure for dark hash. "Folded" into itself this hash conceals its slightly lighter "creamy" interior. Squidgy type hash like this is really going to have you cleaning the resinous oils off of your fingers as best you can. Keep your gear cool.
A nice scent of spicy-mint plant material that is typical Indian hash; anyone who's ever visited there and smoked "the fresh", will know what I mean.
The taste is got a salty-peppery roasted veggie flava. It will make you think of eating something right off the grill and then smoking a handrolled ciggie afterwards.
There is a kinda swarming high with this hash; you get a bit of the warm-fuzzies as the first wave of the hash hits you and has your fingers tingling a bit. Then the high "swarms" (like busy lil' bees) to your another area of your body and so on, till it settles in your head!
Trippy kinda dark hash BUZZ; this is really fun to smoke in a pre-party scene with a wee bit o' tobacco. You can fire up a spliff of this without "committing yourself" to a full night of being out of it! I'd use this for a short-lived, yet really nice uplifting high...
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