Mongolian Indica
BushDoc Ranking
Mongolian IndicaReview by bushdoc -
Purchased :
shop profile Nes 33Amsterdam
May 25, 2005
This strain has eluded us for so long! A proper Indica, grown with Bio care.
Well cured & stored, in a typical Nescafe quality. Golden-brown, tiny-little leaves and the hairs are also quite miniature. Overall it's darkish green-brown as a result of the long storage. The nuggets are solid but break evenly & softly.
There's not too much smell outta the bag, but you�ll find it very fragrant as it breaks up. The scent is sweet anisette; heady, danky smell that comes from the curing process, where the herb's achieved a Cuban cigar's tobacco smoothness and subtleties.
The flav is mint-licorice, and funny enough, almost SALTY! (sounds like dropjes!!!) It lays heavy on the back of the throat like a Ricola throat lozenge. Herbs with a minty cool burn! I served a bottle of South African Avondrust "Steen" white wine with dinner. As we finished a lovely (If I do say so myself!) prawn, paprika, pineapple & Pandan rice combo, I lit up a pure fat boy of the Mongolian Indica. Delicious!
FX are seriously stoney, with heavy, flashy visuals and a bit of wobbling, to and fro� I decided to take a "chill-out bath" where I take at least 2 huge V-Rip vapour hits, play some George Benson, Hed Kandi or Pink Floyd and hop into a bubbling hot bath with a glass of wine. It was all good; the only negative: I was SO stoned, I let the newspaper I was reading dip into the bath water. Dohhh!
Why not spark a spliff of the MI on a lazy night at home after a meal? "No responsibilities, no work, no plans, no worries!" This gear has you rollin� it's definitely heavy, and you don't say much but if you are with the right company, it makes you feel like just smilin� at one another. Clumsy sex was the result! Life could be worse� :)
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