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ChocolopeReview by bushdoc -
Purchased :
DNA Genetics
shop profile Sint Nicolaasstraat 41Amsterdam
shop profile Gedempte Oude Gracht 123Haarlem
Oct 12, 2009
Skunk/Thai Hybrid. DNA Genetics Bio. €9 per/gram (That is NOT a typo!)
This weed is REALLY nicely packed. :) As I split it up, there was almost a sound like ripping Velcro apart! The buds are all well-formed and there are zillions of finely grained crystals completely covering every millimetre of the surface! Some of the orange-brownish hairs were so fat and fuzzy, they looked like insect legs! (Well, I was stoned when I was inspecting. :)
Sweet Mother Nature, this stuff is like "sugar" fruity. Much more on the fruity side than the spicy Sativa side, was my first impression. I could smell a definite bit of cantaloupe and melon in there, which is certainly a characteristic of that Cannalope Haze that was very popular in many Amsterdam coffeeshops a few years back.
The taste was a bit acrid, softly sour at times. I felt it was a nice combo enjoyed with a strawberry fruit juice over ice, as the flavour of the Chocolope complimented the (over)sweetness of the juice perfectly.
This weed really made me feel spaced out for the first few minutes after toking and then it took me to a nice and smooth high. The whole experience left me a bit energetic and a bit trippy; generally the best FX for a sunny mid-Summer day. :)
With much of the Chocolope on the market selling upwards of €13 per gram these daze, most don't live up to the "original" that won so many awards and praises: Trust me, the Chocolope from Maximillian has classic genetics and a sound grower behind it. It would make anyone happy with a trip to Haarlem. Best of all, that is before you realise you only paid €9 per gram...
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DNA Genetics
Sint Nicolaasstraat 41Amsterdam
shop profile
Gedempte Oude Gracht 123Haarlem
shop profile