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1e Hulp Coffeeshop

Marnixstraat 194

Review and Rating by donk

review created on : 14 Dec 01
  • 7.5
marijuana menu
  • 8.5
customer service
  • 8.0

Can't wait to see the new design downstairs

The decor is a little rundown but they are re-newing it at present. It'll include a chill out "cellar" among other things.
Marijuana menu: Excellent selection of potent weeds and some of the best hashes around. Then there's the KIFKIF! You can't miss that!
Service & staff: 1 guy behind the bar is all you need.
Summary : Can't wait to see the new design downstairs. A good stop for no bullshit quality and prices!

2 people like this

review created on : 14 Dec 01

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