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La Tertulia

Prinsengracht 312

Review and Rating by GG

review created on : 18 Dec 01
  • 8.0
marijuana menu
  • 8.0
customer service
  • 8.0

I hope this will stay a local's place, sorry to all the tourists out there

A bit of a spiritual touch, nice insence burning, the sound of a mini waterfall on the backround, local art on the walls, hmmmmmm, feels good.
Marijuana menu: Very simple, but only Bio weedsand very well cured. The prices are more then reasonable for the quality you're getting.
Service & staff: As Mother and doughter are running this place, you can probably imagine what earthy feeling you get in here. Not very comfertable seats, but evrything else makes well up for that.
Summary : I hope this will stay a local's place, sorry to all the tourists out there. This is the perfect example of how i think a local coffeeshop could be in all it's local glory.

3 people like this

review created on : 18 Dec 01

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member since : 10 Dec 2001
from : Amsterdam 518
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