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1e Bloemdwarsstraat 2

Review and Rating by bushdoc

review created on : 14 Jan 02
  • 8.0
marijuana menu
  • 7.0
customer service
  • 7.0

Really cool place to relax and read the Sunday paper

The atmosphere is quie intellectual and chilled for the most part. Heaps o' newspapers lie round large social tables. The walls are covered with art; some of it is great, some a bit garish!
Marijuana menu: I'm voting an average score because I've only seen and not "smoked" the menu so far.....
Service & staff: Busy but still nice and friendly. They will bring you food to the table as well which is nice when you're in the middle of skinning up a fat spliff!
Summary : Really cool place to relax and read the Sunday paper. Excellent food made fresh and with good portions. Now, all I gotta do is sample the menu!

1 people like this

review created on : 14 Jan 02

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member since : 14 Dec 2001
from : Amsterdam Netherlands
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