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Global Chillage

Kerkstraat 51

Review and Rating by Native_K

review created on : 28 Jan 02
  • 9.0
marijuana menu
  • 7.0
customer service
  • 7.0

I like this place

Great chillout place! A bit small. With it's very impressive wall to wall 3d-ish highly detailed surround fantasy forrest wall paintings, its obviuos why there's a "no Photos"sign on the door! The benches have little rolling tables attached to 'em
Marijuana menu: An OK Menu, go for the weeds!
Service & staff: Friendly Service! When you've been strollin' thru A'dam with your Record-bag and bought some new tunes, be extra nice to the waitress and she just might play some of your new records, when she's not too busy and there is no DJ, that is!
Summary : I like this place! I come here to team up with my friends before we go out to party, or after i've been "shopping" (see "service") not that i'm much of a DJ ;) Rumour has it that the wall paintings are made by a famous graffitty artist who sometimes come????????? ?????????? ????????????????????????

1 people like this

review created on : 28 Jan 02

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