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Twilight Zone

Lange Niezel 7

Review and Rating by asterixthestoned

review created on : 02 Mar 02
  • 9.0
marijuana menu
  • 9.0
customer service
  • 9.0

go ther if you love to smoke da herb and dis like beer heads because they dont see achol which is cool!!

relax in the window seat and watch the world go on by doing its thing!! this place was my favariot cafe in the dam it has a wicked atmosphere and is cool in its design
Marijuana menu: bublegum white widow northern lights semila orange bud santa maria and the list goes on plus the hashside of it?
Service & staff: good friendly staff who care about us lot of smokers all way claning up which is nice to see!!!
Summary : go ther if you love to smoke da herb and dis like beer heads because they dont see achol which is cool!!

1 people like this

review created on : 02 Mar 02

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member since : 26 Feb 2002
from : leicester 575
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