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Rick's Cafe

O.Z. Voorburgwal 252

Review and Rating by Sam_Hawkfan

review created on : 06 Mar 02
  • 10.0
marijuana menu
  • 10.0
customer service
  • 10.0

Great atmos, pleasant sounds, good smoke, achohol, friendly staff

Well, I registered on this site to review this Coffeeshop, I come to the Dam from Essex at least twice a year and this is my favourite cafe. It was the 1st one I visited on my 1st trip and I have continued to visit over the years!!
Marijuana menu: I have always purchased my smokes from here and I try to test everything!! the grass is top quality Super Skunk especially. the Hash is pricey but Quality I had some fab Temple Ball here, the Super Pollen was also great stuff.
Service & staff: Over the years the staff change but they always seem to remain very friewndly and helpful which is what you want when you go to a different country. The guy sellling the smoke is also helpful.
Summary : Great atmos, pleasant sounds, good smoke, achohol, friendly staff. Everything I need to have a cracking time in the Dam and its all in RICKS.

1 people like this

review created on : 06 Mar 02

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member since : 06 Mar 2002
from : Romford 575
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