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Vijzelgracht 47 kelder

Review and Rating by BearThunder

review created on : 19 Apr 02
  • 7.5
marijuana menu
  • 8.5
customer service
  • 8.5

It's the kind of place where you have a quick smoke

Being a native american, I liked the idea of getting stoned and seeing all these great warriors. It's a bit small in there though.
Marijuana menu: Straight forward stuff which is wicked. I have sentimental memories of trying MasterKush there for the first time. The owner was really cool.
Service & staff: Real lad's place. Expect blokes talking about dutch football and gangsta rap hiphop.
Summary : It's the kind of place where you have a quick smoke. They have the best in town but it can get claustophobic in that tiny space.

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review created on : 19 Apr 02

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member since : 19 Apr 2002
from : London 575
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