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Noon (the)

Zieseniskade 22

Review and Rating by DrKang

review created on : 25 Apr 02
  • 3.0
marijuana menu
  • 10.0
customer service
  • 10.0

Go in, get your blueberry, go out and enjoy!

I don't rember much, but I do remember I felt as if I were sitting in an ampitheater dating back to the early 1970's. Not very comfortable, really.
Marijuana menu: The Blueberry lived up to its name....I think....don't really remember....ummm....I guess that means it was great....
Service & staff: Both times I went there we were served by some weird guy. Maybe I was just getting paranoid, but he seemed to be staring through me.... He wasn't from Scotland, that's for sure.
Summary : Go in, get your blueberry, go out and enjoy!

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review created on : 25 Apr 02

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