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The Greenhouse Effect

Nieuwmarkt 14

Review and Rating by outlando

review created on : 12 May 02
  • 8.0
marijuana menu
  • 9.0
customer service
  • 9.0

Overall a pleasant experience, plus there's a window seat

We stayed in the hotel here. The vibe was superb, especially in the evening (although the glitter balls in the bar could be dispensed with). Good music, friendly surroundings. Too many mirrors in the coffeeshop itself, but they did make it look bigger
Marijuana menu: Some excellent choices on the menu, I'd like to visit again to see what's "in season".
Service & staff: The service was efficient, quick and friendly. Really enjoyed the stay
Summary : Overall a pleasant experience, plus there's a window seat. There's nothing quite like sitting with a spliff and watching the world go by!

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review created on : 12 May 02

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member since : 12 May 2002
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