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Review and Rating by Budhead123

review created on : 24 Jun 02
  • 8.0
marijuana menu
  • 7.0
customer service
  • 7.0

It's cool but a bit small. table designs are rude and on my first visit to the dam I got stuck in the bluddy toilet. get some pr

It's cool but a bit small. table designs are rude and on my first visit to the dam I got stuck in the bluddy toilet. get some proper lighting so you can see what your doing and it doesn't make your piss look aluminous green
Marijuana menu: The first time I was there I got the sickest, whitest Shiva I've ever seen since then it's been good but nothing out of the ordinary
Service & staff: Staff are friendly, don't mind you taking your time choosing, unless their busy which they are a lot of the time.
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3 people like this

review created on : 24 Jun 02

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