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Old Style

Martelaarsgracht 24

Review and Rating by Echo1

review created on : 27 Jun 02
  • 6.0
marijuana menu
  • 9.0
customer service
  • 9.0

It's alright, nothing spectacular though. It's 3 minutes walk from the station and it makes for a quick last smoke before leavin

It's alright, nothing spectacular though. It's 3 minutes walk from the station and it makes for a quick last smoke before leaving town. There are a few tables outside too.
Marijuana menu: I asked for the best. I got the Original AK 47. I got VERY stoned.
Service & staff: When I arrived there there was a staff shortage and the guy at the bar had to run frequently to the dealer boot and back. Despite that he kept on smiling at me:-)
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review created on : 27 Jun 02

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member since : 19 Apr 2002
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