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Herengracht 133

Review and Rating by daha

review created on : 06 Dec 02
  • 9.0
marijuana menu
  • 10.0
customer service
  • 10.0

Such a chill shop and a great place to spend a quiet afternoon

Really chill atmosphere inside with couches for lounging in addition to three big tables at the back and a few small tables in the front. There is a TV, pinball games, and then chess, checkers, dominoes, and other games to play.
Marijuana menu: Great prices - some of the lowest in the city for good quality weed. Try the Amnesia Dreams or the Santa Maria and you'll be happy you came by.
Service & staff: Two guys mostly work here - an older and a younger one and they are both excellent. They will chat with you about anything in particular or nothing at all and it is their pleasure to get you clean glassware from back behind the counter.
Summary : Such a chill shop and a great place to spend a quiet afternoon. This place isn't frequented by many tourists and is on the fringes of the Dutch Red Light District. If you sit at the large tables in the back, you can actually time the patrons of the prosti?????????

1 people like this

review created on : 06 Dec 02

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