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Green House East

Tolstraat 91

Review and Rating by Puffin13

review created on : 15 Dec 02
  • 8.0
marijuana menu
  • 8.0
customer service
  • 8.0

I would recommend this shop to anyone

Excellent vibe here. Decor is like your own living room. Very comfortable and cozy. Lots of room to relax in. Famous people photos on the wall.
Marijuana menu: VERY good quality weed on the menu. Several times a Cannabis Cup winner. Some prices are a bit to much though; some worth it, some not.
Service & staff: The service here is EXCELLENT! All the staff is very friendly and helpful. HIGHly recommended!
Summary : I would recommend this shop to anyone! I go back as often as I can.

1 people like this

review created on : 15 Dec 02

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member since : 14 Dec 2002
from : Amsterdam 518
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