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Old Style

Martelaarsgracht 24

Review and Rating by ucboy

review created on : 30 Dec 02
  • 6.0
marijuana menu
  • 4.0
customer service
  • 4.0

this shop isn't really great in my opinion but the decor of the shop is wooden and makes you feel domestic here

was very groovy there the music that is played here is mostly from the 60's and 70's and good. Often things like "The Rolling Stones"
Marijuana menu: The Weed was okay but not the top of amsterdam.
Service & staff: the staff forced us to leave or to buy a drink. we bought first some weed and smoked it and then he forced us to leave cause didn't want to drink something here
Summary : this shop isn't really great in my opinion but the decor of the shop is wooden and makes you feel domestic here

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review created on : 30 Dec 02

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