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Nes 33

Review and Rating by gordo

review created on : 20 Jan 03
  • 9.0
marijuana menu
  • 8.0
customer service
  • 8.0

This was the place we kept going back to, at least for a nightcap each night we were there

cool decor and a great atmosphere.
Marijuana menu: Good selection of weed and hash. about 5-7 different varietys of each on the menu. my favorite was the SAGE.
Service & staff: Simon, who was the bartender during most of my visits was very cool. He was very helpfull and made four Americans feel at home in a shop that seemed to be mostly locals. The owner of the place was a very cool guy too.
Summary : This was the place we kept going back to, at least for a nightcap each night we were there. It is a very chill place with a very friendly staff. Highly recomended, will go back next time I am in Amsterdam.

1 people like this

review created on : 20 Jan 03

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