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Global Chillage

Kerkstraat 51

Review and Rating by MichielDeMan

review created on : 16 May 03
  • 10.0
marijuana menu
  • 10.0
customer service
  • 10.0

If you want to meet us, come to the Global.

Great decor, they got trippy paintings on the walls and there is a huge tree near the bar. The tables are really spacing and they got candles with nice colours in them.
Marijuana menu: Not a great variety, but I looove the Crystal Lady!!! I almost smoke it every day at the Global. I also like the Shiva and Northern Lights.
Service & staff: The girls who work there are really nice!!! Congrets Monique!
Summary : If you want to meet us, come to the Global.

2 people like this

review created on : 16 May 03

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member since : 16 May 2003
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