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Halvemaansteeg 1

Review and Rating by Lancelot

review created on : 11 Jun 03
  • 5.5
marijuana menu
  • 7.5
customer service
  • 7.5

I want to forget about this place, but this means there is a possibillity I will visit again, so I'll just keep remembering.

I was the only customer when I was there which is not a fun thing in a chillplace like this.
Marijuana menu: The joint was not cheap, tasted okey but knocked me out as I had to sit on the nearby Rembrandtsquare for a hour when I left.
Service & staff: Distant.
Summary : I want to forget about this place, but this means there is a possibillity I will visit again, so I'll just keep remembering.

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review created on : 11 Jun 03

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member since : 11 Jun 2003
from : Sint-Niklaas 431
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