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N.Z. Voorburgwal 59

Review and Rating by Lancelot

review created on : 21 Jun 03
  • 1.0
marijuana menu
  • 1.0
customer service
  • 1.0

Typical: clean looking place from the outside at the best known street of Amsterdam in front of the Central Station

Didn't like this place when I got in, tourist atmosphere all around. Nobody behind the bar to sell anything. What a welcome!
Marijuana menu: I wonder who buys anything here: their prices are sky high.
Service & staff: Found the lady who should be doing the selling but was wandering around. They like fussing because she said I had to buy my prerolled at the counter but that guy said he only sells prerolled per 3. That was all the crap I could take and I left.
Summary : Typical: clean looking place from the outside at the best known street of Amsterdam in front of the Central Station. Only tourists will be caught in this tourist trap.

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review created on : 21 Jun 03

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member since : 11 Jun 2003
from : Sint-Niklaas 431
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