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The Greenhouse Effect

Nieuwmarkt 14

Review and Rating by Moleman

review created on : 05 Jul 03
  • 7.0
marijuana menu
  • 6.0
customer service
  • 6.0

Not a bad shop but nothing special, go to grey area or abraxis instead.

Very narrow shop, difficult to get by everyone. Good tunes however and good selection of bongs and good tunes.
Marijuana menu: The house and green bio were both top notch, but beware of their pre-rolled joints cause there was absolutely no weed in them. Definitely try the vaporizer
Service & staff: The dealer was pretty dick and was too messed up to talk.
Summary : Not a bad shop but nothing special, go to grey area or abraxis instead.

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review created on : 05 Jul 03

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