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Pink Floyd

Haarlemmerstraat 42

Review and Rating by coolbilly

review created on : 05 Jul 03
  • 10.0
marijuana menu
  • 8.0
customer service
  • 8.0

Its handy for a stop if you've just eaten at Barneys, but thats another story.

Nice place, and they played Dark Side of the Moon. All you Philistines who don't like Pink Floyd should smoke elsewhere.
Marijuana menu: Mothers Pride (I think) was very nice but made me a bit ill in the road (wobble not splatter). Well worth it though and we did go back for more. Got Northern Lights next time, back to the safe old fovorites.
Service & staff: Nice friendly service by a young lady from our home town, see you again soon!! Told us all about the Dutch economy going downhill.
Summary : Its handy for a stop if you've just eaten at Barneys, but thats another story.

2 people like this

review created on : 05 Jul 03

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