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Prins Hendrikkade 89

Review and Rating by Oook

review created on : 13 Jul 03
  • 5.0
marijuana menu
  • 7.0
customer service
  • 7.0

alright place, maybe the 5 gram baggies were to bring ppl up to the limit so they would have to go somewhere else.

bit bland, seemed more like a trendy cafe than a coffeeshop
Marijuana menu: went in to try the b52, had to buy the whole 5 gram bag for 25 euros which was irritating as we already had more gear than we could smoke. the gear was fairly strong although not really crystally like the review i read said
Service & staff: service was alright, dealer seemed pretty pissed that i asked for less that the 5 grams stated( i didnt know)
Summary : alright place, maybe the 5 gram baggies were to bring ppl up to the limit so they would have to go somewhere else.

1 people like this

review created on : 13 Jul 03

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