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Hunters - CLOSED

Warmoesstraat 37

Review and Rating by Lancelot

review created on : 10 Sep 03
  • 6.0
marijuana menu
  • 10.0
customer service
  • 10.0

A heaven of delight: good weed, a young witch hiding in a friendly and modest little house

Rather small and looks like a weird teahouse, especially with the young English lady serving you. If you don't have the table in front you'll have a lousy seating place, either on a bar stool at a crappy table or on the tiny cushens on the floor.
Marijuana menu: They sell a citrus bud and had just added a second citrus variety on the menu. Had a pure joint of the new stuff which was amazing: a real lemon taste which lasted for hours. Slight stoney effect is a bonus. Try it out!
Service & staff: The young lady who runs the place looks like a beautiful modern witch, covered in all sorts of purple clothes. She even has purple hair! But she gave me the best comment possible, combining friendlyness and bud knowledge.
Summary : A heaven of delight: good weed, a young witch hiding in a friendly and modest little house. Very different atmosphere compared to the many coffeeshops in this most crowded coffeeshop street in the world.

1 people like this

review created on : 10 Sep 03

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member since : 11 Jun 2003
from : Sint-Niklaas 431
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