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Pink Floyd

Haarlemmerstraat 42

Review and Rating by mcshit

review created on : 28 Sep 03
  • 8.0
marijuana menu
  • 8.0
customer service
  • 8.0

Definitely worth a visit, wasn't crowded when we went, not gloomy or underground or anything, the weed's well known and respecte

good atmosphere, high celilings nicely done out esp. liked the faithfully reproduced mural of the teacher pushing kids through the meatgrinder/school
Marijuana menu: Nice display, didn't buy any weed myself, but had some of my mates umma gumma, a definite must have hash for next time. All seemed cheap which is a bonus
Service & staff: dealer apparently very friendly, he looked it, girl serving food was nice, no tourist-hating or anything like that
Summary : Definitely worth a visit, wasn't crowded when we went, not gloomy or underground or anything, the weed's well known and respected, good job all round!

1 people like this

review created on : 28 Sep 03

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member since : 28 Sep 2003
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