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Green House East

Tolstraat 91

Review and Rating by smokey

review created on : 23 Mar 04
  • 9.0
marijuana menu
  • 9.0
customer service
  • 9.0

go here its really nice, and shit loads of famous people chill here- b real, senn dogg, quentin tarrentino, that twat 50 Cent, a

really nice coffeshop. one of my favourites. comfy stools with big metal cannabis leaves at the bottom. nice tables with cool lights in them as well.
Marijuana menu: some fine weed in here. hawaiian snow is nice. i bought super silver pearl as well i think, and that was nice. use the microscope to look at your weed, it looks so nice!
Service & staff: nice staff in here. the guy selling weed was a bit of a miserable twat, until i asked him what weed he thought was nice, then he was ok with me.
Summary : go here its really nice, and shit loads of famous people chill here- b real, senn dogg, quentin tarrentino, that twat 50 Cent, and even brotnet spears!! (theres pictures of them all on the wall at the back).

1 people like this

review created on : 23 Mar 04

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