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Herengracht 133

Review and Rating by prinzchen

review created on : 10 Jul 04
  • 9.0
marijuana menu
  • 9.0
customer service
  • 9.0

Amnesia has a total relaxed atmosphere and is imho the best choice for a quiet and smooth Coffeeshop, without a loud crowd or he

View to the beautiful Herengracht, never too crowded, really comfortable seats and Couches and nice red decorand lights......
Marijuana menu: Great Strains in superb quality. We had the organis-grown "Sage", "Buddha`s Sister" and "NYCD" and "Summer Breeze". All were perfectly cured and tasting great, with a beautiful High.
Service & staff: The Shopowner, a woman, was nice, spoke german and english, and had a lot of knowledge about her strains and the european mentality ;-)
Summary : Amnesia has a total relaxed atmosphere and is imho the best choice for a quiet and smooth Coffeeshop, without a loud crowd or hectic tourists.

2 people like this

review created on : 10 Jul 04

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