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La Tertulia

Prinsengracht 312

Review and Rating by bushdoc

review created on : 06 Oct 07
  • 9.0
marijuana menu
  • 9.0
customer service
  • 9.0

A very unique CS in the heart of the city (Jordaan), La Tertulia is def worth a visit

To me, this is about as good as it gets for a CS. A mad crystal collection, healthy "jungle" of plants and lots of light make this little corner spot on the Prinsengracht canal a winner!
Marijuana menu: VERY solid, always with some really good specialties, this place competes with the bigger shops with regard to the top-shelf choices. My reviews of their hazes and ice-o-lators have left me dazed and confused. :)
Service & staff: Small and run by a family, they are very casual and friendly. If they are not too busy they will have a chat with you and the place is kept fresh and clean.
Summary : A very unique CS in the heart of the city (Jordaan), La Tertulia is def worth a visit. As Gorgeous Gardener says below, I almost wih this stays a local fav with the occasional tourist cos it is just SO what a coffeeshop should be!

3 people like this

review created on : 06 Oct 07

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member since : 14 Dec 2001
from : Amsterdam Netherlands
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