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Smoking Bull

Lange Niezel 13

Review and Rating by WickedWitchoftheWeed

review created on : 14 Nov 07

I will definitely go back there when back to Amsterdam.

Simple Dutch style brown bar, just more filled with tourists. Its looks small from the outside, but is actually quite large.
Marijuana menu: I was there a few years ago and I think I was happy with their menu. This time I was surprised to hear that they chose to have an alcohol license over a coffeeshop one. So, there is no more menu to rate :( They're still "smoker friendly" though
Service & staff: The service was very good; the staff was friendly and the atmosphere was fun. We had a great night!
Summary : I will definitely go back there when back to Amsterdam.

1 people like this

review created on : 14 Nov 07

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member since : 03 Oct 2007
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