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1e Bloemdwarsstraat 2

Review and Rating by dazed

review created on : 10 Dec 07
  • 9.0
marijuana menu
  • 9.0
customer service
  • 9.0

One of the bets kept secrets in amsterdam i think

Clean organised and pleasent. Gives a real good atomsphere to enjoy a smoke and one of their smoothies! =]
Marijuana menu: comes down to age old question of do you want a large quanity of herb to choose from or are you after quanity, wont find many famous names i.e jack herer but without doubt one of if not the best priced finest weed menus in amsterdam.
Service & staff: Couldnt be any better. They seem to really apreciate your custom and the fact your smoking their stash.
Summary : One of the bets kept secrets in amsterdam i think. Seriosly good weed at really good prices with a serive and atomsphere thats hard to follow.

3 people like this

review created on : 10 Dec 07

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member since : 10 Dec 2007
from : SWF 575
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