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Barney's Lounge

Reguliersgracht 27

Review and Rating by Murphoir

review created on : 21 Jan 08
  • 8.0
marijuana menu
  • 8.0
customer service
  • 8.0

Overall I prefered this shop to their original in every way

Alot nicer than the original, more like a wine bar feel with decent seats. Music was anything from Irish jigs to rock n roll. Overall it has a nice feel.
Marijuana menu: Can`t fault the menu:-crimea blue/G-13/honey b/sweet tooth/barney rubble/triple X/king hassan/ketama gold etc. All high quality gears, maybe a little more expensive than other places but `probably `well worth it!!!!!!!!
Service & staff: Very polite budtender, helpful if you ask and even when it was busy nothing was too much trouble unlike alot of other tenders. Alot better service than the original Barneys.
Summary : Overall I prefered this shop to their original in every way. The menus are the same. Some of the gear is reasonably priced(maybe 1 or 2 euros more than other places) and some of it is extortionate(tripleX 65 euros a gram)...

2 people like this

review created on : 21 Jan 08

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