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Green House East

Tolstraat 91

Review and Rating by bsi619

review created on : 29 Sep 08
  • 8.0
marijuana menu
  • 7.0
customer service
  • 7.0

A good place to chill ut, the waterpipes are made of galss and clean, too ... i like that =) This is a place to chill oput, fo

A good place to chill ut, the waterpipes are made of galss and clean, too ... i like that =) This is a place to chill oput, for a longer time
Marijuana menu: Much money, less quality!! The Strawberryhaze sucks, also the Ajans Ultra Haze one. Sorry guys, but 15 euros per gramm is too much for herbaceous weed like this. Good place for turists, who thinks that the most expensive weed is the best, too (BIG MISTA???
Service & staff: Nice and friendly, but the dealer knows nothing about weed, he just had 4 words to explain: strong, weak, stoned and uplifting. It's like the winegrower can just tell you, if the wine is smooth or a dry one and if there's lots of alkohol or not.
Summary :

1 people like this

review created on : 29 Sep 08

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