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Review and Rating by stoneygriffin

review created on : 17 Jun 11
  • 6.0
marijuana menu
  • 8.0
customer service
  • 8.0

It resembled that smell you get after you have been walking in the forest all day and after returning home you find little bits

Nothing particularly special about the inside, just a chill place to relax and have a smoke.
Marijuana menu: I had the Genie in a Bottle. This was not an impressive looking strain with nothing more than a bunch of orange hairs. But as I was breaking it up there was a very strong scent waiting to punch me in the nose.
Service & staff: The staff can make or break a coffeeshop, and it his hit or miss here.
Summary : It resembled that smell you get after you have been walking in the forest all day and after returning home you find little bits of pine tree sap stuck to you hiking boots. It is a definite creeper!!

6 people like this

review created on : 17 Jun 11

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