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Mellow Yellow

Vijzelgracht 33

Review and Rating by andrewpyrah

review created on : 11 Oct 11
  • 7.5
marijuana menu
  • 7.5
customer service
  • 6.5

Well worth a visit just to check out a part of Amsterdams history

They call it Mellow Yellow. One of Amsterdam\'s first coffeeshops. Quite a large coffeeshop across two levels. Trippy artwork on the walls and a few tv screens gives you something to stare at.
Marijuana menu: A good range of hash. A small range of weed but some good strains like Amnesia Haze and C5 Haze aswell as a cheap special on Blueberry. A pretty standard menu of common strains but quite consistent.
Service & staff: Service can feel a bit rushed, but this can often happen when coffeeshops are busy. But I don\'t really get the feeling they put in that extra that some places do. Nothing to complain about.
Summary : Well worth a visit just to check out a part of Amsterdams history.

6 people like this

review created on : 11 Oct 11

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member since : 03 Oct 2011
from : Amsterdam Netherlands
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