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Review and Rating by lucksoblazed

review created on : 05 Dec 11
  • 10.0
marijuana menu
  • 10.0
customer service
  • 10.0

top gaff - 10/10 from me

this place was deffo my fave shop, i go here every year and its relaxed vibes never get broing! about 6 tables, once of them holds about 8 people, they also have a nice chill out section at the back which holds another 18-10 people - the toilets R MENTAL!
Marijuana menu: only a small menu, but all is top quallity - i had their super silver haze which was peng! done to perfection! their nothern lights and w.widdow was tastey too
Service & staff: the bud guys are safe - let you smell/inspect their bud also give you some ideas on what to choose! i learnt how to skin up flip mode here about 5 years ago!
Summary : top gaff - 10/10 from me! i never miss this place on a trip

7 people like this

review created on : 05 Dec 11

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member since : 05 Dec 2011
from : Manchester 575
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