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Mellow Yellow

Vijzelgracht 33

Review and Rating by thekla

review created on : 13 Jan 13
  • 4.5
marijuana menu
  • 6.5
customer service
  • 5.5

This was the most local place to me when I was staying on a houseboat in the area recently

Looked like they were in the middle of refurbishing the place, or at least I hope they were. Nothing special at all.
Marijuana menu: Nothing to write home about. You can smoke it and it will get you high. Seen a lot better in this fair city.
Service & staff: Neutral. Neither outstanding nor poor. I\'ve rated them \'8\' as this is pretty good for Amsterdam: in the city centre the service is often a lot poorer!
Summary : This was the most local place to me when I was staying on a houseboat in the area recently. There\'s not much in the way of coffeeshops in the local area and this place was fine. I wouldn\'t travel to get to this place though.

3 people like this

review created on : 13 Jan 13

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