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Chills & Thrills

Nieuwendijk 17

Review and Rating by JoeBurns

review created on : 27 Jan 14
Smart Drug Menu
  • 9.0
  • 9.0
Instruction / Staff
  • 6.5
  • 8.0
  • 8.0
Recommend it to others?
  • 9.0

We tripped hard! lmfao ot

OT = on truffles! Used to come to this place many years ago but not for long time now. I see it had wholel new re-design and many new products. real clean look and design which was oposite from what it was before. the guy a the bar was busy talking to a big group so we didnt get many answers, so i rated a little lower forthat. BUT THE TRUFFELS were flying high! bought the strongest they had and split the box with my buddy. Came to a point that we decided to walk over to the westpark and just sit in the sun all day wathcing the grasss grow. On way back to town, there was a whole street blocked off and we sat there and stared at that thing for more than 20 minutes (seemed like more) tyring to decide which way to go! i kept thinking people were watching us and going to think we needed some help. so fuckn funny!!!

1 people like this

review created on : 27 Jan 14

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