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1e Bloemdwarsstraat 2

Review and Rating by Timebox

review created on : 10 Oct 14
  • 8.0
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  • 9.0
  • 8.0
Overall score?
  • 9.0

Go for the Turkish

A bit like sitting at a local cafe and there's a mix of locals and those in the know. Pretty chilled place to have a smoke.

Highly recommend their Turkish Hash. Seems hard to come by and be good but I wasn't disappointed by it. It comes in pressed sligtly hard strips but when warmed up it breaks up nicely and is a really satisfying smoke. Great Buzz, not too long lasting but one of the best of the unusual hashes to find in the Dam!  Didn't go for any weed so can't comment on their selection or quality of  those.

Personal rating 9/10 venue 9/10 Turkish Hash

2 people like this

review created on : 10 Oct 14

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