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Bushdocter (the) (CLOSED)

Amstel 36

Review and Rating by smokey2k888

review created on : 24 Aug 17
  • 1.0
marijuana menu
  • 3.0
customer service
  • 1.0
  • 8.0
  • 1.0
Overall score?
  • 1.0

Very Rude Budtender

Visited this place last year (2016) and again last week (Aug 2017) the guy that serves he is small with glasses..well I haven't ever come across such an ignorant unfriendly human being in my entire life. Wouldn't speak or advise us on anything. Just mumbled and looked at us as if we were aliens. Was about to walk out but girlfriend wanted a rest and coffee so we decided to stay after buying 2 grams and drinks we sat and watched how he treated the other customers. Absolutely disgusting guy that clearly hates his job and customers. The looks and daggers he gave everyone was shocking. It was Thursday night and there was 4 people in the shop and I can see why. This guy is absolutely ruining this business and reputation. I will never step foot near this place again. That little man needs the owners to get rid off him and maybe the business would be a lot more thriving. Apart from that we had a great time in Amsterdam.

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review created on : 24 Aug 17

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