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When Nature Calls

Keizersgracht 508

Review and Rating by ojosrojos

review created on : 29 Oct 19
Smart Drug Menu
  • 9.0
  • 9.0
Instruction / Staff
  • 8.0
  • 10.0
  • 8.0
Recommend it to others?
  • 10.0

perfect drive thru of smartshops

about a year ago sitting in the zouth side my friend wants to take mushrooms! so we hop in his car and we are driving thru the heart of amsterdam canals area, then he just tells me to get out, hands me money and says buy 4 boxes of shrooms, and he will wait double parked. I was like WTF? and looked up and remember seeing this little place before, always was going to go inside but never good time but now while my friend on hazard lights, lol. The guy in the shop told me no shrooms which I already told my friend. Instead he hooked me up with magic truffles, I had these before the ones with the little blue pig. They work well, lol. Got 4 doses this time, my homeboy and i ate all those spungy motherfuckers! :p We were flying for hours, nice laughs, smoked some kush weed mixed with haze and it got real trippy man!!!!

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review created on : 29 Oct 19

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