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Brouwersgracht 11

Review and Rating by mystery

review created on : 10 Jan 02
  • 8.0
marijuana menu
  • 7.0
customer service
  • 7.0

Overall, this coffeeshop has what it takes to stay in business

The atmosphere here is very relaxed. I enjoyed the time I spent there. The decor is very mellow and brighter than some of the other dark dungeons I've been to.
Marijuana menu: I have had better. As a matter of fact, I used to live in Portland, Oregon. Oregon green can match and beat anything they have. But, as I was in A'dam for the coffeeshop experience and the freedom to smoke without being persecuted, I thought it was good.
Service & staff: The girl behind the counter was really nice. There was a fool from the US making a jackass of himself, asking her to roll a joint, then said he only liked the smell of weed. She was rude to him, but rightfully so.
Summary : Overall, this coffeeshop has what it takes to stay in business. Not only from the mishap of visitors walking in, but from the locals as well. Keep up the good work guys!

2 people like this

review created on : 10 Jan 02

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