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Dampkring (de)

Handboogstraat 29

Review and Rating by bushdoc

review created on : 10 Jan 02
  • 8.0
marijuana menu
  • 9.0
customer service
  • 9.0

Who was racist and why did ya think that? If you had some proof of that it may swerve my opinions..

A "dark" version of Barney's. Very tactile styled set up. Yes hydrochronic, I CARE about the decor and 'sphere cause it can make me wanna hang out inna place that's got some flava...
Marijuana menu: Excellent menu with a wide variety of rarer strains. Prices are decent and the bags are fresh.
Service & staff: Very friendly bar-maids particularly. The hash bar boys are a lil busy to chat however so this is a tough place to pick "a house dealer's" brains....
Summary : Who was racist and why did ya think that? If you had some proof of that it may swerve my opinions... I think you were just trippin though b/c i've never had any problems in there....

4 people like this

review created on : 10 Jan 02

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member since : 14 Dec 2001
from : Amsterdam Netherlands
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