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Funny People (no longer) Coffeeshop

Nieuwe Brugsteeg 24

Review and Rating by chlong2

review created on : 05 Oct 02
  • 9.0
marijuana menu
  • 8.0
customer service
  • 8.0

Generally an alround cracking coffeeshop with good weed, good drinks, good music and good munch!

After making ourselfs comfortable we realised that we were listening to tiesto on the stereo this just made us feel great. The barman was excellent as he kept putting on the music we liked thus creating a fantastic atmosphere.
Marijuana menu: First stop, getting some ganja! There was an excellent selection of marijuana that we all felt was being sold at a cheap price compared to other places.
Service & staff: The service was great but the only problem was there was only one barman working. The barman went out of his way to help us and was really friendly and chatty. One problem was that he kept getting distracted and his short term memory was awful.
Summary : Generally an alround cracking coffeeshop with good weed, good drinks, good music and good munch!! all it needs is some lounging chairs.

1 people like this

review created on : 05 Oct 02

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member since : 05 Oct 2002
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