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Mellow Yellow

Vijzelgracht 33

Review and Rating by Alpha420

review created on : 07 Jul 08
  • 4.0
marijuana menu
  • 5.0
customer service
  • 4.0

Rubbish chav fest

The Atmosphere in here is as chavvy as its decor. it feels like you are in some tacky pub in the uk but they sell weed
Marijuana menu: Rubbish. Lack of cyristal, Hairs and cured badly. Most of it couldn't be smoked pure without it going out due to the dampness of the weed.
Service & staff: The service here was one of the worst
Summary : Rubbish chav fest. crap people crap company crap decor and crap weed. If you want good Jack go to Dampkring and its cheap there too

4 people like this

review created on : 07 Jul 08

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member since : 07 Jul 2008
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