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1e Hulp Coffeeshop
Marnixstraat 194
Review and Rating by jimdandy
review created on : 27 May 11 vibe/decor
marijuana menu
customer service
I was very happy to see this place in the book, i walked down from the Rokeruj and ate lunch at a burger joint, in the sun
this place looks real nice. I found a nice bench to sit on, relaxed.
Marijuana menu: Really nice Cheese weed that was SOOOO smelly! :)
Service & staff: the woman behind the bar was very frindly and made me feel at home. Even told me about the area. I forgot to ask how to get back to my hotel though! lol
Summary : I was very happy to see this place in the book, i walked down from the Rokeruj and ate lunch at a burger joint, in the sun. Only 5 minutes from there and I was in the shop smoking weed. It was fantastic!
review created on :
27 May 11