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Barney's Lounge

Reguliersgracht 27

Review and Rating by SmokeEatPlay

review created on : 20 Jun 11
  • 9.0
marijuana menu
  • 9.0
customer service
  • 9.0

The place is rather touristy, but not in a bad way

I really like this shop! Nice and clean with cool lighting and generally nice quality interior. Chill music and relaxing atmosphere.
Marijuana menu: A bit on the pricey side I think, but the quality of the weed looked really good! And the names were pretty original too!
Service & staff: The young guy working behind the bar was very friendly and helpful. He was patient with us when selecting our weed.
Summary : The place is rather touristy, but not in a bad way. Its located centrally by the Rembrandtplein, but I have a feeling some locals come here to buy their gear cause of its quality.

5 people like this

review created on : 20 Jun 11

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