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Free World

Nieuwendijk 30

Review and Rating by PB

review created on : 30 Sep 11
  • 9.0
marijuana menu
  • 9.0
customer service
  • 9.0

hope they still got the Afghan redbud when i get back in a couple of months :D The other strains that came close to it was kuchi

I visited this cafe in february 2011 and looking forward to visit them again this December. Good vibes, very basic decor but nice and clean
Marijuana menu: I loved the Afghan redbud, it was the strongest Indica I could find in town. I really didnt like the AK47, but thats because im an Indica lover. I hadnt tried the Ak before and thought it would be less sativa than it was.
Service & staff: Liked the service, quick and the tender made some jokes
Summary : hope they still got the Afghan redbud when i get back in a couple of months :D The other strains that came close to it was kuchi and headband, but you cant get them here thoug. I think freeworld should have more nice Indicas to their selection

2 people like this

review created on : 30 Sep 11

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member since : 30 Sep 2011
from : malling 455
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