Common Vaping Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Vaping has become an increasingly popular alternative to smoking, offering a variety of options and experiences tailored to individual preferences. However, as with any new hobby or habit, beginners and even experienced vapers can make mistakes that affect their vaping experience.

In this article, we'll explore some of the most common vaping mistakes and provide tips on how to avoid them, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience.


1. Using the Wrong Nicotine Strength

One of the most common mistakes, especially for those transitioning from smoking to vaping, is choosing the wrong nicotine strength. Selecting a nicotine level that is too high can lead to an unpleasant throat hit, dizziness, or even nausea. Conversely, choosing a nicotine level that is too low may leave you unsatisfied and increase your cravings.


How to Avoid:

Start by assessing your smoking habits. If you were a heavy smoker, you might require a higher nicotine strength initially, such as 18mg or 24mg. Light smokers or those who prefer a milder experience should opt for lower strengths, such as 3mg or 6mg. If you're unsure, many vape shops offer sample packs with varying strengths so you can find the one that suits you best.


2. Not Priming the Coil

Priming the coil is an essential step in setting up your vape device, but it's often overlooked by beginners. Failing to prime the coil properly can result in a burnt taste and significantly reduce the lifespan of the coil.


How to Avoid:

Before using a new coil, make sure to saturate the wicking material (usually cotton) with e-liquid. Allow the coil to soak for a few minutes before firing your device. This step ensures that the coil is fully saturated and prevents dry hits.


3. Chain Vaping

Chain vaping, or taking multiple puffs in quick succession, is a habit that can lead to several issues, including overheating the coil, burning the wick, and causing a harsh throat hit. It can also drain your battery and e-liquid faster than expected.


How to Avoid:

Give your device a few seconds to cool down between puffs. This not only extends the life of your coil but also allows the e-liquid to re-saturate the wick, providing a smoother vaping experience. If you find yourself chain vaping out of habit, try using a device with adjustable airflow or power settings to customize your experience and reduce the urge to take rapid hits.


4. Overfilling or Underfilling the Tank

Filling your tank incorrectly can lead to a less-than-ideal vaping experience. Overfilling can cause leaks, while underfilling can lead to dry hits or insufficient vapor production.


How to Avoid:

Always fill your tank to the recommended level, usually indicated by a fill line on the tank. Leave a small air pocket at the top to prevent leaks. If your device doesn't have a fill line, fill it to about 80% capacity to avoid overfilling.


5. Ignoring Battery Safety

Vape devices rely on batteries to function, and improper battery care can lead to dangerous situations such as overheating or even explosions. Using damaged batteries or overcharging can be hazardous.


How to Avoid:

Always inspect your batteries for any signs of damage, such as dents, tears in the wrap, or leaking. Use a dedicated battery charger rather than charging through the device itself, and never leave your batteries charging unattended. Additionally, store your batteries in a protective case when not in use to prevent accidental contact with metal objects, which can cause short circuits.


6. Not Cleaning Your Device Regularly

A buildup of e-liquid residue and dust can affect the performance and taste of your vape. Neglecting to clean your device can also lead to leaks and reduce the lifespan of your coil.


How to Avoid:

Make it a habit to clean your vape device regularly. Disassemble the tank and rinse it with warm water. For more stubborn residue, you can use a mild dish soap. Allow all parts to dry completely before reassembling. Cleaning your device not only enhances the flavor of your e-liquid but also extends the life of your device.


7. Using the Wrong E-Liquid for Your Device

Not all e-liquids are compatible with every type of vape device. For example, high-VG (vegetable glycerin) e-liquids are thicker and may not work well with devices designed for thinner, high-PG (propylene glycol) e-liquids. Using the wrong type of e-liquid can lead to poor vapor production, dry hits, and even damage to your device.


How to Avoid:

Check your device's specifications or consult with a vape shop professional to determine the best e-liquid for your setup. If you're using a pod system or a device with a smaller coil, opt for e-liquids with a higher PG ratio for better wicking and smoother vapor production.


8. Not Staying Hydrated

Vaping, especially with high-PG e-liquids, can lead to dehydration, resulting in dry mouth, sore throat, and a decrease in overall enjoyment.


How to Avoid:

Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. If you notice symptoms of dehydration, such as a dry mouth or chapped lips, increase your water intake or consider switching to an e-liquid with a higher VG content, as VG is less dehydrating than PG.


9. Choosing the Wrong Type of Device

With so many vaping devices available, it's easy to choose one that doesn't fit your needs. Some vapers may start with a high-powered mod when a simple pod system would suffice, leading to frustration or dissatisfaction.


How to Avoid:

Consider your vaping habits and preferences before purchasing a device. If you're new to vaping, start with a beginner-friendly device like a pod system or a simple vape pen. If you're more experienced and looking for customizable options, a mod with adjustable settings might be more suitable. Take the time to research and ask questions at your local vape shop to find the best device for you.


Final Thoughts

Vaping is an enjoyable and customizable experience, but avoiding common mistakes is key to getting the most out of it. By paying attention to details like nicotine strength, coil priming, and battery safety, you can ensure a smooth and satisfying vape every time.
For those looking for an easy and convenient option, consider using a disposable vape pen, which eliminates many of these potential issues and offers a hassle-free vaping experience. disclaimer: takes pride in featuring high quality articles to its readers, however does not assume liability for the claims and medical facts presented by the author. Please check with your doctor or medical practitioner, before consuming any products containing CBD, THC, herbs and Smart Products, or any other products recommended here. Make sure to always check for advised dosages, and please keep all THC and CBD products (including vapes, flowers, oils, concentrates or edibles) away from children, animals and any persons who may not desire to consume them. Make sure to clearly mark all products with warnings about the contents, and store all products in locked, child-proof containers, to avoid accidental ingestion. Please check your own country's laws regarding CBD and THC, and make sure shipping is allowed. content is always created in countries where cannabis products are legal, for medicinal and/or for recreational uses. Smokers Guide does not encourage the use of cannabis in countries where its consumption is illegal.